I don’t know about you guys and gals out there, but if I’m right family and friends mean the most to us in our lives. They are the ones who are always there for us when the chips are up or down. They are the ones that love and care for us the most. No matter what the situations are in are daily lives , good or bad it’s the people we love and love us back that we can turn to at all times. There’s nothing better than the feeling of talking to someone who truly cares about your well being and state of mind. That’s why it’s so important to cherish the people we have in our lives, and always be open to new relationships that help us grow in all aspects of our lives. That’s what’s so exciting about life. Through the ever expanding universe there is this magic that puts people in our experience in accordance to our thoughts. And the more we are open to receiving all that is good, by doing good to others the more people and circumstances that harmonize with our intentions will fall into line. What a life this is, that we all stand on the leading edge of thought with the power to mold the energy that creates worlds. Only through focussed thought will you be able to build your life into a beautiful piece of art. That’s what you are anyways. The physical body and mind are manifestations of a power. A great power that if used to even a quarter of it’s capabilities will inspire us with awe. So even on our down days, just think of the gift of being here in this present moment. Love yourself and shine light on the world as it’s a true blessing to be here with all the tools to make a difference. Just relax and let the energy flow. Oh by the way, I’m learning that skill as well, relaxing isn’t always easy, but it’s essential to feel good and maintain the health of our physical and mental body.
Much Love and Peace.
Ryan Phillips.