It’s been a busy month so far for so many people around the world gearing up for “the big day.” I remember when I was a little guy I would get so excited about Christmas. I always loved making gifts for family and others. I speak only from personal experience, but as a youngster it had more meaning. I’ve been very aware this year that so many people stress out to the point where they can lose the true meaning of the day. My wishes are different today as all I really want is to be with my family and close friends. I was blessed to have some amazing moments this holiday season while always being grateful for my health and well being. I cherish the memories from the past and the inspiration I can draw in, in the moment. With another year almost behind us, I find it important to fill ourselves up with love and set great intentions for the year ahead. I wish you peace on Christmas day and all the days in store for you. In today’s fast moving society I think it’s important to really appreciate all that comes into our experience. What we consider bad at times is only a creative opportunity to evolve and grow into something that serves us in loving way.
God Bless