It’s too bad that we are all sisters and brothers sharing this beautiful home we call Earth and we pass by each other every day as if the next person is the alien, as if they don’t belong. Today, take a moment to look around you and watch everyone walk by each other as if the other does not exist. When did we as a human race get here? We share the same air, we drink the same water, we eat the same foods given to us all by mother Earth herself, yet we act as if we are more special than the next person. Make it a point to say hello the the next time you walk by a stranger. Give them a smile. Ask them how their day is going. Compliment them. Let them know how great their hair looks. Buy someone lunch. Help an elderly person with their groceries. Give someone a ride home. If you can’t do anything else but offer a smile – you’ve done enough. Smiles are very contagious. Give one and before you know it, you’ve caused the whole world to smile back. If we all made a conscious effort to incorporate this in our every day life, we may find out that the many fights and wars that we caused on ourselves were totally stupid and unnecessary. We may find out that we all actually like each other. We may find out that we actually LOVE each other. You will realize that even though you kept yourself separate from one another, you were never really separate; you were living an illusion. You will realize that YOU are just a reflection of THEM, and THEY a reflection of YOU… We will realize that we are all ONE. So, let’s act like it starting today! You will find your life being so much more a joy to live because everything you give will come back to you multiple-fold.