Ever since I was a youngster I always rooted for the “underdog”. I clear as day remember always picking the least talented boy/girl in elementary school sports. I believe that it was bread in us as from the time we were born to be desired and wanted in life. Recently I had a some adversity with business that impacted me in a somewhat negative way. But since the episode I’ve been able to focus on transmuting the setback into a benefit that has brought me a life lesson.
I was introduced to an individual not so long ago from a life long friend. Upon my first encounter with this person I saw that he was very intelligent and possessed a lot of knowledge when it came to technical aspects of business. He had all the key components to add immense value to my company. I was shocked when I found out that he was lacking capital and was in major debt. But l like not to judge by what person has in material form, but for what a man can bring to the table in specialized knowledge and integrity. He was polite and very keen on a project that was inspiring and uplifting.
After being around this individual for some weeks I noticed that he lacked the drive and personal initiative that makes most people successful. Being a people pleaser by nature and always one to give second chances I learned that he suffered from laziness and work ethic. I had many uplifting talks with the individual about our endeavours and he always seemed renewed and energized after our talks and would be good for a few days. I think it’s very important when you are building a company or have a definite goal in mind that you choose the people of your business alliance very selectively . Too many people these days have forgotten the concept that we need to GIVE before we receive!
I took the individual for a walk and had a very stern talk , while at the same time maintaining my self control. I gave him one last chance and hoped he would come around. unfortunately he didn’t. It’s been my observation that we need to want to help ourselves before any changes start becoming apparent. I’ve also noticed that the people who don’t ask for help and look for opportunities are the ones that don’t last on the bottom for long. It was reiteration to me that so many people these days tend to play the victim role, as if life owes them something. Instead of taking the bull by the horns and going after their coveted dreams.
I met a few really good people through this person, and for that I am truly grateful. Not only that I’ve realized that it’s made me want to strive to be even better myself and give only to people who truly deserve it and that bring great work ethic, honesty and positive aspects to the table.
Yours in friendship Ryan Phillips.